Cirilum Vita
2003 - 2005 Master of Fine Art
Kent State University
Major: Crafts
2000 - 2003 Bachelor of Fine Art Honours
University of Manitoba
Major: Ceramics
1997 - 2000 Bachelor of Arts
University of Manitoba
Major: Psychology Minor: Economics
2018 – Present Studio Artist, Portland, OR
2016 – 2017 Community and public programs coordinator
Paducah School of Art and Design. WKCTC, Paducah, KY
2012 – 2015 Artist assistant, Bryerpatch Studio, Paducah, KY
2018 Made In Paducah, Lily Liu Studio/Gallery, Paducah, KY
2017 Paducah School of Art Faculty Exhibition, Bill Ford
Gallery, Paducah, KY.
2016 Same Source, Lily Liu Studio/Gallery, Paducah, KY
Solo show: Make Every Minute Count
Regenhardt Gallery. Mt. Vernon IL
2015 Creativity Redefined, Regenhardt Gallery, Mt. Vernon, IL
Fantastic Fibers, (3rd place), Yeiser Art Center,
Paducah, KY
2014 50/50 Show, Lily Liu Studio/Gallery. Paducah, KY
Solo show: Works on Paper, Tribeca Gallery, Paducah, KY
Fantastic Fibers, Yeiser Art Center, Paducah, KY
2013 Fantastic Fibers, Yeiser Art Center, Paducah, KY
PSAD Faculty Show, Clement Art Center, Paducah Ky
The Threads that Bind: Textiles by Kentucky Artisans, Berea, KY
Wildwest, Innsbruck, Austria.
2012 Craft Forms 2012. 17th International Juried Exhibition of
Contemporary Craft, Wayne Art Center, Wayne, PA
“Octopus” Artist Published by Paducah Life Magazine 2016 Jan/Feb
500 Felt Objects Published by Lark Crafts 2011
500 Paper Objects Publishes by Lark Crafts 2013
1000 Beads Published by Lark Crafts 2014